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    Mojo would be a production nightmare. My vote from the pilot was SK. My neophyte husband said "who's the bloated Sidney Greenstreet?" and I laughed because I am pretty sure that was the template for the original art way back in the day.

    Kung Fu, that was exactly my thought during the pilot when they showed that image!!


    "My fellow Americans SQUIRREL!!"

    No kidding. Wish you'd pointed that out to the people who missed that memo before they voted for him.

    Exactly! He really believed he would win the popular vote and lose the EC, then ride that outrage to $$$$.

    They really should not have done that. It lets the ignorant alarmists win and proves you don't have to make sense or even be a majority to get your way. Even when your way makes not sense and is simply people getting pissed off because the can.

    I don't really agree with you, but I love they way you put it so I gave you an up arrow! "Agent Oi McBlimey-Kippers"

    Caitlin is not a Metahuman YET. Or maybe Killer Frost is the Earth 2 Caitlin.

    Recently HBO unboxed the 1997 Janeane Garofalo hour and it was so wonderful—always loved her, and love this bit. Now I can't find in anywhere! HBO, set my Janeane free!