Kevin Miller

"In a time of ancient gods … kings … and warlords … A land in turmoil cried out for a hero."

Oh wow this was great. This show is one of the best action programs on TV (sorry CW) and one of the best SF programs.

Wonderful. Not every action genre on American TV, but this episode of this show was great.

Wow, is this show getting boring. Team Flash NOT coming up with a way to trick during the Wally/Flash's speed deal swap made me feel like this whole show wanted to take a nap.

The post recent Flash episode ended with a hostage exchange with the super-homicidal big bad … and Barry meekly agrees to surrender his power to get Wally back. Team Flash DOESN'T try to outfox Zoom? What the hell? "Last Refuge" had the same standard final scene, but these heroes show correct heroic guile and punch

http://ia.media-imdb.com/im… "Heaven Sent" was awful … and does anybody care what happens to The Doctor is pretty much what happens to The Master in the Comic Relief spoof? Furthermore: Having your lead by himself for almost the full episode is bad storytelling. The anti-war speech at the end of "The Zygon Inversion"

SPOILER ALERT: Wait. This is really happening? Because this limited comic book series includes a character called The Saint of Killers who guns down/kills Satan and God. (Both characters are jerks in the story.)

Anybody else want to see Paul play Philip K. Dick in a movie?