
O A.V. Club… why do you insist on staffing reviewers to shows that they clearly don't even like? I'm not saying every review has to be a love-fest, and I'm all for folks pointing out flaws in otherwise good material, but there is truly nothing more tiresome than a reviewer more interested in his own cleverness, or

I almost wished Rowan hadn't included this in the review, because now it's bugging me but it didn't occur to me while we were watching. I wonder if it was intentional…. it seems like a really silly mistake, one that the writers of this universe don't usually make!

I really wish this show had higher ratings, because it is one of my absolute favorites on TV right now. It's up there with Parenthood and TVD for me—it hits the emotional notes exactly right almost every time. And I get the complaint about this season seeming like two different shows - but that didn't bother me at