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    no man in his right mind would dump katherine heigl—ESPECIALLY not for the likes of rosario dawson.

    what a stupid term.


    LOL, who could have guessed having macy gray narrate a film would not end well?

    yeah, thank god timberlake brought sexy back. i missed it terribly while it was gone.

    calling elijah wood "a wide-eyed sucker" is a bit like calling mick jagger a big-lipped croaker.

    has anyone stopped to consider the essential objectionability of framing an entire movie—and our sympathy for the protagonist—around 90 minutes of driving while severely distracted by cell phone usage? try as i might, in the interest of attempting to "judge the film on its own merits," i find it impossible to get

    precisely. fanboys are the worst.

    it seems you like championing pretentious nonsense in an attempt to appear intensely attuned to cinematic zeitgeist. cool story, bro.

    yeah, it's a hard to "get" a hallucinogenic film that has no color in it. because, what else is there to "get" except the altered state of consciousness?

    "it's hard to do for what it does."

    what a load of pap.

    just saw it on video, and i totally agree with you, adam. it was simply a collection of WTF scenes and imagery. and even if i'd been tripping, i still wouldn't have enjoyed it, because what's the fun of tripping if there is not one iota of color to be experienced while you're tripping?

    "if you're not up for it's vibe, then it will be just be annoying." what a load of shit. a load of shit which, as it happens could be employed in defense of anything ever made.

    that's about the size of it. let's call a turkey a turkey. in fact, i think you've somewhat on the kind side to this piece of self-indulgent twaddle.

    what you're suggesting is that, in cases such as these, morality exists on a sliding and quite relativistic scale. we agree very much on that idea. unlike you, however, i feel that the scale inevitably ends up favoring those in positions of wealth, fame, and power over those without. to think that famous rapists

    that one drew blood…touche!

    i wonder that myself, then i remember that being a world-renowned artiste makes you more important than the ordinary people whose lives you've ruined along the way. disgusting but that's the sad reality of how this works.

    not sure what a "WASPy fembot" is.  perhaps you could say what you mean about her without resorting to conglomerations of pop culture terms.

    not sure what a "WASPy fembot" is.  perhaps you could say what you mean about her without resorting to conglomerations of pop culture terms.