F-U Potsie

Less than 0:05 seconds after calling Clay a stack of hate, Gemma turns around and refers to Maureen as "that Irish gash."

Reviewer spends so much time pontificating on Jax that he failed to point out how, during the unloading of clips and Russians receiving their comeuppance, that the Sons gunned down a deep cover FBI agent. The tally of 2 dead ATF/1 dead FBI on this show presumably will cause the Sons to have hellfire rained down upon

This finale [for the most part] redeems an otherwise ham-fisted season of Scooby-Doo meets A-Team exploits.

"In case it wasn’t clear above, I thought Gemma holding a gun to a baby was awesome."

just like the always recalcitrant Nick Tortelli…

The frequent shifts between action/instrumentals and sparse dialogue is very Ocean's 12 — this is not a good thing as Ocean's 12 kinda sucked.

it's Melrose Place, with dirtbag bikers and hardass women instead of Ian Zering and horseface Tori Spelling.

For a guy who's traveled all the way to Ireland to rescue his baby son who has been kidnapped, Jax sure doesn't let it get in the way of a good time — a little barefisted boxing, some poker, drinks — nor does he exhibit the least bit of urgency until sitting down with Father WhatsHisName, and even then, he's still

But look on the bright side, we were finally spared the copious man-assery of previous episodes and rewarded in the opening shot.

SOA is attempting to rival Oz in its gratuitous amount of man-ass, this episode's offering is hardly offset by a 2.5 second porno chick's strut.

Exactly… what literate person doesn't know the definition of renege? I thought for a second the reviewer was trying to be cute but realized he's kind of a shmuck and was being serious. And then his previous episode's 'stray observations' he wasn't sure if the redhead line was a Married With Children reference. Was

re: car chase with black bangers

Chalk it up to me being a child of the 80s but that ending had me thinking of another ham-fisted season finale where an amnesia-stricken Sonny Crockett takes off in the boat while Tubbs screams, "SONNY! SONNY!!" from the bulkhead; they should have had Fonzie water skiing behind the boat as at that point Miami Vice had

and don't forget psilocybin mushroom tester.

This was one of the weaker episodes of this series so far. Opie went from being told the truth — which would presumably send him on a kill-crazy rampage — to rational and indifferent over the course of about five minutes. And Piney, adorned in a Member's Only-looking jacket, not managing to get even a single shot on

I am not familiar with any other roles Hunnam's taken but as much as I am liking getting caught up on this show, I hate the prick more and more with each new episode; the smirking… the head-tilt/wrinkle the forehead lines pose in every scene.. I know he won't get killed off as he is the main character but it wouldn't

I am posting from the future.

also from the future… I don't remember where Tristan came from.

so basically the extent of Jax's range entails tilting his head like a dog that heard a strange frequency and wrinkling his forehead in pretty much any situation, good or bad.

i can't think of a TV character i like more than Chrissy, with Paulie as a close second.