F-U Potsie



hilarious that Silvio needed that written out on a piece of paper.

hilarious that Silvio needed that written out on a piece of paper.

agreed, and didn't Pete make a point of snidely describing to Trudie the ethnicity of his father-in-law's provider at the whorehouse? i thought that kinda shot to shit his whole progressive/civil rights-endorsing persona… or maybe he just knew it was the only way he'd get a jab in on Trudie.

Funny how liberals seldom retort with a coherent, original thought of their own — it's almost always [predictably] a recycle of what was said to them first ("your liberalism/conservatism is showing"). It's like you're taking Thomas R's OPINION as a personal affront on your obviously fragile sensibilities. So infantile.

One of my favorite weaselly Pete Campbell moments: He's adamant — alongside Duck — that Freddy be fired immediately but once Don indicates that he's against the idea of canning Freddy, Campbell waffles, "well, we at least have to get him off this account!"

"Expect Republican presidential candidates to begin condemning the show any minute (as soon as they're done endorsing Juno's pro-life messages and otherwise exhibiting complete pop culture tone-deafness)."

Nino Brown: "If I were you… I'd be lookin' for the pimples on the booty!"