Daisy Buchanan

Selina will have to nominate a new Veep. There's no reason for the Speaker of the House to ascend unless Selina becomes incapacitated before her nominee for Veep is confirmed by the Senate. The line of succession doesn't automatically move someone up when there is a vacancy, only if every position above that person

That would be unusual, to say the least - not just the sitting President accepting an offer for the Veep slot, but the offer coming from one of her party opponents for the Presidential nomination.

The original House of Cards was twelve episodes over three series. The American version is doing thirteen episodes for every four done by the original; that's just ridiculous.

It's the only candy bar with the cookie crunch.

I thought someone on Friday Night Lights had an abortion and the high school counselor ended up losing her job over it.

SVU is a huge offender of this as well.