Gabriel Cash

The Blu-ray set they already put out is phenomenal. I love Criterion, but I can't really see them adding much to it.

Yeah, Criterion releasing a Lynch movie is normally a no-brainer, but in this case it just seems redundant. The Complete Mystery Set already seems definitive.

I don't think that. I don't know if Parker or Stone were for or against the war, but the film spent its second half presenting people against the war as morons. That's what I'm criticizing.

The first half is certainly that, but they couldn't resist making the second half about how people against the war were ALSO assholes (well, "pussies") even though, in retrospect, they were 100% right.

Could somebody who liked Jurrassic World tell me what they liked about it? I honestly can't think of a single redeeming aspect of that movie, and I'm not trying to be hyperbolic when I say that. Character motivations and actions made zero sense and changed radically from scene to scene in order to move the plot

Furiosa rules. I'm not arguing that. But what makes the Mad Max series awesome is the way Miller flagrantly disregards his own continuity and does something totally different with each film.

The idea of making a sequel WITH Furiosa is baffling to me. Max is literally the only recurring character from film to film, and each film completely reinvents the world of Mad Max.

Well at least with Treverrow back on script duties we know it'll feature the tight plotting and great characters that made Jurrassic World such a universally beloved film.

Why would he be including Fury Road? It's not a superhero movie.

Perfect opportunity for a Captain Ron sequel!

You say that like it's a bad thing…