
Such a great summary of how messy the writing has become recently - thank you for your eloquence!

Anyone else read the emails during the editing scenes? First of all they sounded completely out of character - like the Alicia/Will ones did last week - and secondly the first one ended: "If you've read this far you aren't paying any attention to our show. So, bite me." On the contrary - I was paying extremely close

SO glad the Alicia-running-for-SA elephant in the room was FINALLY addressed in that last exchange with Diane and Cary. It's been too long coming.

Witness prep, debate prep… Margulies and Goode make it all so sexy. I love how Peter's arrival takes all of the spark out of their sparring. Another great layer of subtlety from this beautifully constructed show.

As someone who could watch Claire Danes read the phone book, I really enjoyed this episode. I love a good plot twist, but I also like fleshed-out characters, and it was great to watch Carrie coping with more domestic issues rather than drone-related ones.

This season is confusing me so much! One week I think the show is losing its touch, and then an episode like this comes along that makes me remember why I love it so much. I think it may have to do with the fact that this one was written by the Kings. Alicia is always on fire in their episodes - they consistently nail

Ah, that makes sense. Darn, why can't she get hold of a time turner?

(Also, really hoping Finn isn't some kind of shady double-agent. His eyes are too beautiful for him to be deceitful! ;) )

Lots of scenes in the FA&L offices, but no Robyn? I was really hoping they'd be using her more this season, given her prominence the first couple of episodes. The fact that Robyn is so awesome makes me feel a teeny bit better about Kalinda leaving… but it's still really sad.

Alicia needs to see a therapist! But beyond that, I'm not sure either… just nothing that involves Peter!

Ah, thanks for clearing that up! That is upsetting - although I'd hate for Alicia & co. not to have the ending they deserve, which is always the danger when shows run and run and run.

Wait a second… this is the second to last season? Did I miss something? Eeeek! :(