In one of the most unforeseen moments in TV history, Martin Freeman walks over to a bar stool and, for just a split second, looks like he's turned into Don Draper.
In one of the most unforeseen moments in TV history, Martin Freeman walks over to a bar stool and, for just a split second, looks like he's turned into Don Draper.
There are lots of couples who don't have children, either because they can't or because they choose not to. It's not that unusual.
There's also the point that Burgess, Philby and McLean were all high-profile British assets who turned out to be sold to the Russians. Naming them was a major publicity coup. Despite Martha's position, which was substantial, there's no publicity value in letting the world know, Oh yeah we managed to turn you know…
No, there is no documentary style for something which is entirely subjective. You may think you know what the effects of a particular drug may be. You don't know what the effects are on me, and stop pretending you do.
As a Jew, he knows about the Shoah, and has found out about the Soviet position on Jews. From that point of view, the comparison makes perfect sense.
Ginsburg is railing, anachronistically, against privilege. He's doing it in context as a Jew, whereas as we all know, by the 21st century that would be heavily outweighed by being white, male and straight, so that in the end he'd need to STFU on internet message boards.
You may be thinking of Tchaikowsky.