> also, against my better judgement, started Gotham.
> also, against my better judgement, started Gotham.
"I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room."
Great, that should give me time to prepare to not see it.
My personal essentials:
So, is anyone else going to listen to this just because it's called Star Wars?
Wow, this must be the first time in a long time you haven't been the top post.
I don't quite understand how people can say that this album is more pop oriented than Lonerism.
I didn't dislike it, but it was underwhelming.
I'm fairly certain it was created by the same company.
The highlight episode obviously being "Stick". Also, you should edit that to "throws a microwave at computer" or "his computer" if speaking in third person.
Was it better than Mr. Mercedes?
Does anyone else really not care for Sleater-Kinney?
The quote with the power.
I think i've watched maybe five films this year.
1000 times Gravity.
Interstellar >>>>>>>>>>> Gravity.
That's classic. Exactly how I felt about The Master.
I loved the Wolf of Wall Street. I mean, yeah, Dicaprio is very charismatic, but Belfort came across as an asshole non-the-less, so I didn't feel like it was pro ripping people off millions of dollars.
It's difficult to be objective when it comes to documentaries.
I mostly agree with you, but I really enjoyed Only Lovers Left Alive.