Scar Man!!!

Yeah, that's true. And considering what we know of Homeworld culture and gem physiology, they might not have even heard of sex until they met humans. They don't reproduce sexually as far as we know

Gotta just say that while I loved the episode, I actually could have done without the singing for once. The lyrics were just them chatting. They could have just had the music over them talking normally

seems more like inter-racial love is discouraged

I remember that from the preview

she had Doctor Manhattan's problem. She knows every detail of her own future and believes that not one bit of it can be changed. So she has no reason to care.

also, it looks like fusion was mostly practiced by infantry members. Notice that the Quartz Elites didn't fuse when Rose and Pearl attacked.

but how exactly could her powers be boosted? She already has enough power to not only see every detail of her entire future life, which is an almost infinite timespan, but she has precise details on everything in the future of the entire colony at the very least.

it seems more like a inter-caste/race relations analogue

pearl was wearing tight shorts, under the tutu, not a leotard

there was love involved in the action. I think the dancing usually used is a method meant to enhance the necessary feelings of intimacy and to focus the gems involved on the fusion instead of their usual worries and conflicts. Sort of like how eastern monks use martial arts training partly as a form of active

I doubt she would stoop to that level though.

Wow, seriously?

I meant the leotard and see through …. skirt guess

mostly because they are rarer. I doubt that the Rebellion would have won if the Gem Colonists had enough future seers to form an entire intelligence corps

it was more the outfit that she was wearing.

Perhaps it's supposed to be a sort of Auditors of the Universe situation?

It's been confirmed by the Crewniverse and was very clear from her expression

Honestly, looking at it again and again, the hair puts me in mind of some sort of shaggy lap dog. Lap gem really describes the role Pearls seem to have in Homeworld Gem society.

I don't get the feeling that Homeworld encourages physical relations. Especially across caste gaps that wide. I mean, from what we've heard, Pearls are at the very bottom, barely considered gems, and Diamonds are Monarchs

How did someone make a gif already?! The episode just finished it's first airing an hour ago!