Scar Man!!!

Like for all Pearls, or for our Pearl specifically. Because her feelings for Rose are definitely romantic

See, there's another reason I love the design! I didn't even notice that little bit of visual symbolism first time around

I didn't notice that.

I like that idea. Also, acting like a cold-blooded bad@ss helps to deal with her own fears. The battlefield is scary even for trained soldiers.


yeah. She's not only terrifying because of her combat skills, but because her abilities are completely illogical in the gem's worldview. She took out two Quartz Commanders without even trying! To the average gem, that's like if someone somehow gave sentience and heavy weaponry to a piece of expensive furniture and

That's true. They probably wouldn't have developed if Rose was a jerk to her.

That would be pretty cool, as long as they didn't focus too much on the fighting. Gems shouldn't fight :(

They keep saying that she could only save her closest friends. It would make sense that the first two gems to join her cause would end up as her closest friends.

I hope not. I don't like the idea that Pearl's feelings for Rose might be part of her programming or something

It was Full Disclosure, right?

Someone mentioned that Rebecca Sugar said that Reinger's style was a big influence on this episode. So I looked up some of her cartoons. They look exactly like a shadow puppet play.

almost looks like a courtesan. Makes you wonder…

They also probably had time to interact and gain the seeds of feelings during the course of the Rubies' protection detail. Sapphire seemed to be more friendly towards Hand-Ruby than the other two. And Hand-Ruby's eyes followed Sapphire when the other two had them dutifully closed. Not to mention that both of them

Cotton Candy Garnet is quite possibly my favorite design on the show because of its beautifully simple use of visual language to convey so much about her. Everything about the design conveys confusion and chaos and incompleteness, yet also beauty and innocence.

also a visual symbol of how confusing these early fusions were and how she is not as stable as Garnet is today

Is that the one with Ronaldo's documentary?

yeah, makes you wonder where the rest of her Army is. Had they already been defeated? Had she not gathered them yet?

That's a terrifying thought. Gems do have a similar level of super strength Does she have a Ripper side?

What's Prince Achmed?