Scar Man!!!

I got the feeling that this won't be the last time we see their past. Notice that Garnet's design is a chaotic mishmash of pure red and blue and tattered ripped cloth, rather than the smooth, blended red-purple jumpsuit she currently has. It's obvious that Ruby and Sapphire have yet to go through the trials and gain

At the very least, we got to see Rose and Pearl fight. I never thought Rose would be that fast. She struck me as a slow, strong, technical .fighter. And Pearl had a much, much better showing in the Rebellion than Sworn to the Sword showed. I mean, dual-wielding rapiers?! $*#*ing elegant!

Funny enough, that was just a fan theory till now. the evidence is piling up for the Four Diamonds/Rose was Pink Diamond theory

That would mean they already had those clothes beforehand

That was Chutzpar in the crowd scene, not Pituitor

I've already seen a few on tumblr. His hashtag is trending I think

Yep. Sure helped that the rest of the world was fucked up

Because Bill does understand desires, especially when combined with Mabel's knowledge of her friends.

Bill doesn't understand unselfish emotions very well. He wouldn't understand how the Pines bond could override the fantasy

Every millisecond of his screen time made me physically cringe. I was whimpering in pain at one point

That was my favorite line, because I was totally on Dipper's side there

It's not just kids. I would so be sucked in, even if the other option -wasn't- facing off against Bill

In a good way?

Every word out of that abomination's mouth caused me physical pain

so much better