
Thanks for the response. If you're interested, you should also be aware that Gerhard is now getting more involved with the comic book scene as Sim escapes from it.

And on that note, that volume (which is all about crazy politics in the tone of DUCK SOUP) is available for download, FREE of charge. Here's the link if anyone's interested https://sellfy.com/p/TpC4/

Sorry that everything seems too much for you right now. Until then, stick to doing the things you enjoy and give you pleasure. It might help take your mind off of your anxieties.

There's actually an unauthorized book about the the whole genesis and history of the show. Lots and lots of animators (including Bruce Timm) who worked on it or knew John K were interviewed. And lots of little known facts are discussed, such as the time when John K and Chuck Lorre used to work together on another

When my teacher showed us the part of Birth of a Nation where the war is over and the American anthem is playing, I sang the Ren and Stimpy version under my breath.

What I loved about this movie is that it creatively showed how self doubt and negative thinking works: The sniper is constantly telling Elijah (through the earpiece he's wearing) that he's nothing but a puppet, someone who only performs people work and never makes anything himself, and that his wife is secretly

Seems strangely interesting.

Coincidentally, according to The Simpsons, your guys tag team wrestled with a closeted gay Star Wars couple!


BROTHERS IN ARMS: ROAD TO HILL 30 for the original Xbox. Maybe I'll complete it around D-Day, and even get to write something about it for my local paper. The game is super accurate. It's based off of a real life soldier (Sgt. Matt Baker) and his squad, and you get to unlock historical documentation on the war after

I'm confused. Don't you mean you do agree with me? Cause you call the blood and violence cheap. Sounds like you found the atmosphere more intense rather than the gore factor.

Yeah. I think people should be more concerned about racial and gender portrayals made in CURRENT era films and media rather than ones set in OUTDATED OLD eras.

Saw Humphrey Bogart's DARK PASSAGE which I found so original and exciting to watch. A true film noir. It reminded me when I read THE MAD AND THE BAD. That was just as creative and intense.

If you like Cloud Atlas and manga check out Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix saga. He was writing the exact same "interconnected lives story" waaaaay back in the 1978. Or just watch the anime they recently adapted it into.

Really. How so?

Finish up the final book in The Complete Bone Saga. It was okay in the beginning, but (SPOILER ALERT!) once we learn the reason The Hooded One wants Phoney-Bone is because he mistook the Macy Day Parade balloon he used to campaign for mayor as some sort of godlike figure, it gets really interesting. Then we learn who

The reason The Witch worked? It didn't rely on gore and guts to terrify us. It's done by showing us scenes like this:

Shame you do. Cause The Rappin' Rabbis kick tuchus.

As soon as I read the word "squeezing" in the title, I immediately thought of the scene where, as Leo crawls out of the horse carcass, his tight grip on the skin causes the animal's fat to drip out.