Bennie Smith

It's true, Duterte is as clueless as Trump, and more homicidal than Trump. He lets his military, police force, and even vigilantes have autonomous control as long as they provide bodies on his war on drugs.

Oh I agree, which is why I started the statement that I wasn't defending her. But the truth is that they have millions of people not regularly employed, I am sure from their point of view, they are happy to have ANY job no matter how bad then starve to death.

I am not defending her at all for using sweatshops, but I will point out having lived in the Philippines that the owner of the factories determines the pay and rules. What that woman was being paid per month is what a person in the Philippines would make working 12 hours every day of the week for a month. Also, if a

Seriously AV CLUB, let up. Even *I* am getting tired of it, and I love mocking people getting shown up or caught it stupid/idiotic statements.

Well to be fair, when I went to college in the late 80s, "date rape" orientation didn't say that coercion in a committed relationship was a bad thing, only with someone you are just getting to know. Of course both are now called "rape rape" or as some congressmen say "not legitimate rape."

Seriously, AV Club, what is with you saying CBS is PLANNING to launch All-Access? It launched a month ago. THIS is why I can't take your entertainment articles seriously.

I have to disagree. The third Doctor specifically hated narrow minded people and he often made generalizations that an average soldier was narrow minded. But he respected soldiers willing to question orders or willing to negotiate or think of a non violent resolution.