
If I've learned anything about conservatives in the last 15 years, it is that projection is their primary psychological trait.

Why are conservatives such delicate snowflakes, getting their fee fees hurt over a space movie?

In the future there will be no movies, just teasers and trailers.

"How scientifically accurate is Arrival?"

I liked "The Mummy" when I was a teenager because it had lots of descriptions of sex in it.

Does he still bungle the delivery of the punchline to every joke he tells?

I'm not sure I would call Quinn "relevant," merely "still working."

What this guy said.

"the Marvel movies are essentially forgettable episodes of a moderately amusing television series that gets less amusing as time goes on."

Inevitable reboot in 2021.

Lighten up Francis

They're still doing this?? I thought it was quietly pushed in the dustbin after "Dracula Begins" or whatever that movie was called.

Move 'em to Youngstown!

Yeah, there's always that degree of intra-division hatred (after all, the other teams are your immediate rivals), but I would say the Cubs are probably one of the more liked teams throughout baseball, overall.

Word. I'll be rooting against Cleveland until they change that name.

I'm not a Cubs fan, but I am a baseball fan. I don't care when one of the other sports teams in my city wins. I imagine there are plenty of people like me in Chicago.

The thing is, though, the Cubs aren't really a perennial underdog. They just haven't won the championship in 100+ years. But most the time, the team is good. I feel like the Brewers, Mariners, Rockies, or Royals (until recently) fit the bill better, though they don't have the same history.

Aside from the 2005 WS, the White Sox really haven't been more successful than the Cubs.

Live long enough to become the villain, etc. etc. Batman quote.

LOL what? The only people who hate the Cubs are Cardinals fans, who are the worst, so who cares about them.