
Is there a single YouTube personality who isn't unwatchable for someone over 16?

What you are asking for is an impossibility.

Yeah the thing that enrages me most about the politicians who just go "mental illness! Guns didn't do it!" is that none of them, not a single one, has proposed a bill or policy to improve or reform mental health care.

I have, sadly, come to the same conclusion.

The thing is though that the serial killer bits are super tedious, and actively make the videos worse.They're entertaining enough on their own without them.

Who would have predicted the director of "Brotherhood of the Wolf" to make an empty headed spectacle?

Exactly. It is all those things he mentioned.

You mean that generic guitar riff? Seems to proof the point of the video.

Further proof these movies are generic af.


Stranger Things feels faster, mostly because it constantly cuts away from one scene/character to another without letting anything linger. I liked it well enough too, but it was paced for someone with ADHD. God forbid you should have a scene longer than 2 minutes.

If it is, it still shouldn't be on this list, because it's unbearable.

Convincing argument.

I think part of the reason jump scares have such a bad reputation nowadays is that every single trailer for a horror movie features them in the most predictable way possible.

They all kind of bear the influence.

Is everything drawn manga-style now?

Yeah, I feel like the movies have learned exactly the wrong lesson from the comics. Everything is tied together, everything builds to and centers around a mega crossover event, nothing is separate from that, you can't just read 1-2 books of a character you like - these are the things that turned me off of superhero

Same here. I've seen a number of Assayas' films and liked them, but never found any of them especially memorable.

I would be all over this. I really like Deathstalker 2.

And they're the better for it.