
But why?

LOL I'm not gonna watch a show that doesn't get good until the 3rd season.

This show has been on for four seasons?

True. I suppose part of the issue is interface, and I do have to give the developers some credit as they improved it a lot with the recent big patch. Still, it's not really my jams to go exploring for an hour and end up with 8 swords in my bag, none of which I'm going to use. It would be helpful to see the stats of an

Different strokes and all, but I'd rather be playing the game than playing inventory management.

If I have any complaints about Witcher 3, this is it - there's way to much crap in the game. It feels like every time I loot a chest, there's 5 things in there, maybe one of which I'll use in crafting or equip for 2 hours until I find something better. And there's like 3 chests in every room. The game just needs less

Man, lots of people butthurt about criticizing a maudlin song from the 70s.

Not really.

You mean "she."

Like I said, I'm thankful I didn't grow up in the situation you did. I have empathy for you. There's a tipping point for everyone.

I don't consider the people who bullied me in high school part of the same "group" of people who happen to play professional sports. I think you're committing the fallacy of thinking that assholes in high school who happened to be on the football team are the same as all football players, everywhere. They're just


OK. Considering that you haven't actually led me to think about anything I haven't at some length in the past already, I will continue as I have been.

OK. I have considered and acknowledged the costs. Now what?

This is bullshit false distinction drawing/goalpost moving.

I was bullied and dismissed throughout middle and high school, both for my interests (Star Wars, D&D) and for my inability to play sports. Yet I was then and still am a huge baseball fan as well.

You sure write like you do.

It must get exhausting being outraged about everything all the damn time. I do my best not to give my money and support to people that are shitty. Sometimes that's impossible. But I guess you're just a better, more pure human being than me. I can imagine it gets lonely on that mountaintop looking down at everyone,

When did Polanski serve prison time?

None of us are OK with these things. What is your suggestion? That we all stop paying attention to all sports because sometimes people act badly? We'd have to stop given our time and money to almost everything to match that standard.