
This is a bad faith argument. It's like saying I'm OK with Roman Polanski raping a young girl because I like movies, or I'm OK with sweatshop conditions in China because I have an iPhone.

Cool story, but it's not really the one being told in this article.

As though it's any different when someone writes an article, say, defending the Star Wars prequels.

And the thing is, many of the traits you've mentioned could easily be applied to gamers, or anime fans, or fanfiction writers. And those people will flip their shit if you call them out on it (as would many sportsfans).

I guess we should defund the NEH, NEA, state offices of film and television, and all corporate donations to art museums, film production, and performance spaces. Too bad; art had a good run.

Don't flatter yourself. Most of us couldn't care less what you like or don't like.

I'm not charging you anything. I am fully opposed to any public funds being used to build sports stadia, yet I love all things baseball. Is your mind blown yet?

I always confuse this movie with "Walking and Talking". I wonder why.

I feel like I'm on crazy pills every time she comes up, because people fall over themselves praising her.

I dunno I live in NYC this probably happens a lot.

Crash sucks, but LA is not the largest city in North America.

I thought I was the only one. I liked it, but not nearly as much as everyone else seems to.

Aren't there already like 5 films made in the last 5 years called "The Woods"? Does a film called "The Woods" have to be released every year to appease the angry gods, ala "Cabin in the Woods"?

Even lower than fan films?

There was a time when I would have been super excited for a new Radiohead album.

I keep waiting for PSN to make Bushido Blade downloadable, but it never happens…

"How could anyone choose Hutcherson over a Hemsworth?"

Agreed. I saw the film first, liked it well enough, and read the book. The book retroactively made me dislike the film.

NACHOS OF CATAN jesus it's not that hard.

I understood Hardy fine, most of the time. You don't need to catch every line of a movie to understand it.