
Uh, the bear mauls him?

What's indecipherable about The Revenant?

To be like the cool kids, duh.

OK. I couldn't finish season 1, so I dunno.

That sure looks like a lot of characters!

Are the characters all supposed to look like 12 year olds?

That's what I thought.

Fair enough. I guess I need to do some reading comprehension myself!

That "everything you need to know" graphic is terribly written. The tense changes between the second and third sentence. Doesn't Marvel have editors anymore?

I'd rather fund an actual restoration of The Keep.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 21: The Oldening

Congrats I guess?

It generally got pretty good reviews when it was released. Though to be fair, so did Phantom Menace.

Word. I don't understand the whole "ROTJ isn't that good" revisionism.

As long as the Dallas Cowboys employ Greg Hardy, they deserve to lose every game they play.

I like the Watchmen movie, but the musical cues in it are embarrassingly literal.

I have zero investment in the idea of Stanley Kubrick as a Great Filmmaker - I'm not his mom or something. But it's pretty clear you have a weird hostility towards Kubrick and The Shining in particular, for some reason. It's a minority opinion, and you're obviously well within your right to have it, but you can't

The Shining is a much different movie than, say, Cat People or I Walked with a Zombie. You're ascribed motivations to Kubrick that you have no evidence of, at all. It's not clear at all that Kubrick was contemptuous of any kind of genre filmmaking - he spent most of his career doing it.

Kubrick may not be a better writer than Stephen King, but he sure as hell was a better filmmaker. And that's important when making a film.

You don't have to explain Starship Troopers or the Godfather to me, thanks. I'm capable of understanding that shit on my own. It's a shame you're so wedded to King's novel that you can't see the positive elements in Kubrick's film, though.