
Word. There are plenty of contemporary adaptations of popular books that are fairly slavish (the Harry Potter films, for example). By and large, they're terrible movies.

But…you do the same exact thing below.

Noted film illiterates such as Andrew Sarris.

Like the previous /Film article accompanying HDTGM's episode on Theodore Rex, this is about 1000 times better than the podcast.

But they've been here for years!

That's about where I checked out, actually. I think I watched 6 episodes months ago, haven't watched one since.

So the whole thing just exists to make a joke about Man of Steel? Keep f***ing that chicken, internet.

Did I miss it or does this not include Mark Hamill for some reason?

1) Free speech statutes are not the same in New Zealand as they are in the United States.
2) Neither country's free speech laws would forbid someone being banned from social media sites, which are private entities.

It really was - needlessly complex and a total slog to play.

Not to be pedantic (OK, to be pedantic), but he is mentioned in the first film. Tarkin says something about the Emperor dissolving the Senate in the scene where all the Imperials are having a board meeting.

The Flop House is mostly a comedy show - the film is a thin pretext to riff on whatever nonsense someone comes up with.

Hell yes. Ararat is tremendous, as is the Adjuster, Family Viewing, Calendar, and Next of Kin. But he's been pretty weak for the last ten years.