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    This article plays into his hands.

    Sam Barsanti is one of the worst perpetuators of this nonsense. It's just snark now - no analysis whatsoever. The only thing worse is the writing on his blog, but at least he's funny there.

    Sorry you were bothered. Maybe you should stick to forums where everyone agrees with you.

    You are being overly sensitive. Obviously my statement is a subjective expression of taste. And BTW, Marvel Studio movies are not the entirety of the CBM genre - they are merely the most repetitive, unambitious product in that genre.

    That's definitely not true. Most of the snarky comments on this site are for trailers for movies that have yet to be released.

    It's bizarre that voicing annoyance with the standard-issue Marvel movie brings out this kind of reaction.

    Oh no please stay. Please.

    I am amused that this seems to bother you so much. If you are upset that some people may not like this movie, and may feel free to express their opinion on a website ABOUT movies, maybe you should set up a safe space where you can discuss these boring movies in peace.

    Maybe he just wants something interesting. This looks like boilerplate Marvel - which is fine, but just boring for some of us.

    Shh…. you'll upset the fanboys!

    Not radical. I'd settle for something interesting.

    Boilerplate MCU. Yawn.

    So because he's pleasantly dimwitted and not an overt racist, I have to accept his policies that are driving my country's finances into the ground?

    He's not the best. Not by a long shot. Even his own party has far better candidates. JT is the quintessential unqualified bosses' son that inherits the job over far more qualified candidates.

    Except Hillary actually had a long resume with some notable achievements. JT was… a bouncer? a substitute teacher? His sole qualification for the job of PM for most Canadians was his last name.

    Frankly I think most Canadians would live in a sewer as long as we were able to feel smug to Americans.

    Nope. He is loved WAY more by the left in the US than he is by Canadians that actually have to live with his policies.

    Trudeau is such a tool. If only people paid more attention to his policies, instead of his rhetoric.

    Wow… a butthurt Barsanti article.. don't see those very often

    Only redeemable aspect??! Thats crazy talk