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    THAT is by far the best answer. It possesses all the supervillain qualities.

    I really like his answer to his own question!!

    Dave is just an awesome man. Love how he loves life & is not afraid to live it with his heart. The music doesn't suck either. ;-)

    So… Public Enemy to N.W.A is to what Megadeath is to Metellica?

    Looking forward to the show. 😀

    Has a nice ring to it

    Well then….

    Can't help it. I grew up with the cartoon & the movies and wanted to be a Ghost Buster. I think it would be cool to keep the personalities of the OGB's, but as women. I hope they don't make them too prissy.

    On the Edit: I can see that & I agree. It would be.

    Or evolving into women. Ha!

    Oou…. Alternate dimensions, I like it. Glad he decided to join in. Looking forward to the movie, it sounds like fun.

    State home for the ugly

    State home for the ugly.

    State home for the ugly

    Just bought some for my son the other day, from a Fizzywig's. Also, a Chick-o-Stick & a BIG Cherry (giggles…)

    Ah…. Nostalgia. Just the other day, I was thinking of the Garbagepail Kids Movie for some reason.

    Gonna miss Joe.

    That was cool! Reminded me of pretending to be actors with friends; remaking Stand By Me & movies about war with the heavy Camcorder owned by a friend's dad. So much fun.