Mei Ling

No not at all and in fact you're generalising a bit too much. The Walking Dead is a soap with walking dead fuckers. Game of Thrones is a seven and a half hour movie with running dead fuckers and fire breathing DRAGONS. Big difference.

Everyone should just ask the Russells for advice.

Hemsworth motherfuckers.

Chris Pratt is technically a hundred times hotter than he was when they first met so perhaps that has something to do with this?

In the context of the narrative not in general although that is a fabulous way to go.

Regardless of what happens, at the end of the day Cersei will die to Jaime's blade because that's the way it has to go. What better way to be killed than by your own brother/lover.

Jeff: [poop emoji]
Bill: [smiley face licking lips emoji]


Last time I checked all his other sci-fi had pretty much the same color palette.

How many Americans upvoted this?

There's always Nicholas Cage available for both roles..

Really? My immediate reaction is usually "Fuck me it's Ben Affleck.". He seems to have been typecast as Ben Affleck.

Yes work something out as in WB gifted him his very own studio "Batfleck Productions"

The band must disband without Chester Bennington's vocals and personality.

I can assure you that 99% of all adult male humans on this planet find teenage girls to be sexually attractive and would not hesitate to fuck'em given the opportunity. No man likes to admit it because there is a social taboo associated with attraction toward a much younger group; it makes them appear less manly and

They're bang on the money about the halo effect - the more invested you are in a film's characters the more likely you'd accept a completely ridiculous stunt happening on-screen with those characters as opposed to just rolling your eyes.

Good track record or not it's also fair to say that Lord and Miller just weren't doing a very good job and Kennedy and Co. were long past patience. Every once in a while Directors can lose the plot and as a result obtain a few rotten apples in their portfolio which could be the situation here.

What time is it? Oh yes. It's time to call: "TOOOOOOOOOOOONY GILROOOOOOOOOOOOY!!!"

No he wouldn't suit the role at all despite being very charismatic because he's just not capable of good humor. He's charming, no doubt, but not funny at all and sometimes comes across as quite artificial. RDJ is both charismatic and extremely hilarious at times; he is naturally good at humor.

More like "Shit I'm getting old. Best get those juices flowing while it lasts!"