
It's pretty simple dumb dumb, I observe and gain information then think about it. He says idiotic and ignorant things. It's really not hard.

It's very clear that all of what I've said is going over your head so you are trying to avoid discussion by obsessing about my identity like some nut. You might even be seriously delusional. It's creepy, weird and obvious. Next time don't comment about shit you don't know anything about and you won't have to try to

Just because you wouldn't call them that doesn't mean they aren't. People need to face reality rather than be told they're right and live with delusions that some things aren't their fault. Drinking is your fault. If you're LGBT you're fucked in this world we live in now for the time being we don't know if it will get

Hillary because that was the only choice thanks to the corrupt DNC and their powermongering tricks, as well as Hillary and her supporters. I'm a gay man that lives in the south that grew up and still lives on the poor side of my city where there was and is a lot of police harassment towards the poor, especially black

Why would you think I'm a Trump supporter when I complain about the Liberal party, Hillary, and Hillary supporters allowing him to win. Do you have some kind of intellectual disability?

See, all you do is name call and make excuses to avoid discussion, and you are poor at doing both. You're really bad at using the internet.

Um, safe places are just places people can use to circlejerk telling each other they are right without getting any criticism for their comments and actions so they can learn that they are wrong. Have you ever been to Reddit for example? Most subs develop their own circlejerk and censors any comments not adding to the

That made no sense. There is no war of attrition, I made a thought out comment that you can't even reply to because you are too ignorant to not make a fool out of yourself in a reply and now you're desperately trying to avoid a proper argument.

Your comment is complete ignorance and idiocy, and you seem baffled as to why someone wouldn't be using social media so you could stalk them which is just sad.

And yet you replied to me twice. So no, you're making poorly thought out excuses now. Try again, dimwit.

Could it be any more obvious you're trying to avoid discussion on a subject you know nothing about? Hillary supporters did this same thing over and over and over throughout the election so it's easy to spot. I suggest you don't comment on this subject again until you educate yourself about it. And that moran thing is

Used to consider myself a feminist before it got corrupted by the media into a hate group filled with nutjobs that blame everything on men and think men are out to get them while doing nothing but circlejerk by telling each other how right they are while throwing fits every time someone doesn't bow down to their

Sounds like you're just trying to argue with me because you don't want to admit you are wrong. I'm right. You misunderstood. Deal with it.

Well I was obviously talking about the voters.

He united the Republican voters. The Republican politicians and the RNC are what you're thinking about.

And yet he did.

If you actually paid attention to the election it's clear the people I mentioned are the ones to blame. I was saying back when Hillary supporters started acting crazy running off support for Hillary that it was going to lead to a Trump win because that is just rational thinking. If Trump is uniting Republicans and

Bill Clinton has supposedly sexually assaulted various women in his life. Pretty sure the Bill & Bill thing was referencing that.

Nope. Lot of people that didn't pay attention to the election sure are trying hard for someone to blame other than who actually screwed us. It was the Liberals, Hillary and her supporters that made Trump win. Hillary and her supporters were so sure they were going to win that they bullied, attacked, harassed and

No. I suggest you correct your ignorance. Both candidates were horrible, that's just a fact that anyone with sense could see. No one had to tell anyone that. Rock and a Hard Place is what this election was. Thing is Hillary and her supporters were so sure they were going to win that they bullied, attacked, harassed