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    It's kind of funny how, while there were occasional rumblings about how difficult he was, in life people were falling all over themselves about his genius and mystique, but within a year of his passing, all the stories about what he was like to work with started pouring out. They say you should never meet your heroes,

    He also shows up in latter day Kevin Smith productions that I wouldn't know existed at all if I did not come to this site.

    Yeah, if he wasn't involved with a strange cult that feeds his megalomaniac tendencies, his type A work ethic would be his defining characteristic. Oh well.

    I understand where you are coming from. My point is Mr. 20 Million a Picture can do more than phone it in. If a star athlete was doing that, people would be screaming for him to be cut. If he's using it as backup in case he forgets a line, that's one thing, but to fall back on it in lieu of learning lines to start

    I was a big fan of Depp in the late '90s/early '00s and could be again, but while at the time POTC seemed like it was taking him to the next level,in hindsight it feels like the beginning of the end for him. Financially he was doing well, but by the third movie, I was sick of the franchise. He met Amber Heard and

    Dwayne Johnson makes a lot of dumb movies that I often have no desire to see and, yes, he stepped into acting after a career in pro wrestling, but I have come around to the fact that, despite my initial attempts to dismiss him as just another muscled up palooka, I like the guy and am happy he's working. He seems like

    Nikolai is great with accents. When I first got into Game of Thrones, I honestly thought he was a Brit. Then, I saw him give an interview in what sounded like an American accent. I was surprised to learn he's a Dane.

    Liev Schrieber did a good job in the Laurence Harvey role. He was a surprisingly sympathetic dickhead. He walked that line well.

    It was not an awful experience. It's just that the original was about the Red Scare and this was about the fear of how the military industrial complex and multinational corporations were becoming way too influential.They even had a company called Manchuria Global, which despite its name was run by a bunch of nefarious

    Much like Samuel L. Jackson's angry yelling in Pulp Fiction, it was revelatory at first but he has gone to that well so many times since that the effect is diminished. Maybe actors think what made them famous is what audiences want every time.

    It doesn't stand up to the original, but I thought his remake of The Manchuria Candidate was fairly watchable despite trying in vain to shoehorn Bush-era paranoia into a Cold War model, or is it the other way around? Anyway, it did not work but was a nice try.

    There was also no real villain either. We have an otherworldly presence causing destruction, so let's throw a bunch of criminals at it. They should have sent them after The Joker and his gang for an off the books black ops mission. An actor giving a real Joker performance would have also helped.

    By the end of that movie, I was wishing it had been called Suicide Pact.

    Chris Pratt is pretty good. I was a P & R fan before and found his turn as a sarcastic special ops guy in Zero Dark Thirty a nice surprise. I was really happy for his success in Guardians. Since then, he's gone the generic action hero route and Passengers did neither him nor Lawrence any favors. I hope he can grow

    Little preteens who are into dinosaurs are still into that movie, but practically everyone else has forgotten it.

    The guy who said yes to the script for the movie Zapped should not cast aspersions on people's poor choices in life. Worst teen sex comedy of the '80s.

    Yes, this is true. NBC does okay with watchable but derivative, formulaic stuff like Law & Order and the Chicago shows, but with the exception of Hannibal, "edgy" and "gritty" are not their forte.

    I was about to say NARC, but even so, that was around 2002-03. I would say that movie is objectively good.

    Yet I saw a poll someplace that said 96% of Trump voters would do it again. Sad.

    People don't ever seem to talk about NBC's Shades of Blue around here. That's probably a good thing. It is just a watered down network TV imitation of The Shield and The Wire starring a past-his-prime, paycheck-chasing Ray Liotta and glam diva Jennifer Lopez, who's trying to sell herself as a gritty detective. NBC