
It's been a while, but I remember liking everything around the Miss Twin Peaks contest. And Windom Earle was alright as a bad guy.

Leland, apparently.

Cool to see an Astronoid shoutout. “Air“ was my album of the year and makes me genuinely happy whenever I listen to it. I hope these guys are successful and get to make more awesome music.

Definitely the musical, then the one where Charlie goes on the date. The episode from season 10 which was filmed like one long take was really great. I also enjoyed the meta episode where they try to turn Paddys into a typical sitcom bar. There's just too many, and watching them in such a short time certainly makes

Just received my soundtrack on vinyl today, can't wait to give it a spin.

I watched all of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia for the first time this year, and I think it's brilliant. I was really impressed by how it managed to stay consistently great for over 10 years.

I love season two. I wouldn't exactly recommend it to anyone because it's so weird and meandering, but I love it. Once they announce the start date for the new season I'm going to do my third rewatch of the entire series, I'm so psyched.

Just reading this description has already made my day better.

5. Depending on who you ask: it was always good/end of S1/beginning of S2/steadily over time without any clear jump in quality/it still sucks. I'd pick option #2.

So overall I've seen 22 out of 30. Not bad, although I'm also looking forward to this list every year to discover some things which slipped under my radar, and there's almost nothing this time. Biggest takeaway is probably that I should be watching Documentary Now, which sounds right up my alley.

Really happy about Search Party. If they continue the story, it could go to some weird places

Apparently episodes 5-10 did. Huh. Adding that to my list then.

I think there's a second half coming for this season? Or maybe it'll be season 4? Either way, they're making them.

Ugh, indeed.

I have watched and mostly enjoyed 12 of these shows, will eventually catch up with 2 and have developed a misguided sense of pride about not watching Jane the Virgin.

Negan truly is all of us.

So, you want less Negan, but you will only watch scenes in which Negan appears?

Since I have this terrible compulsion to finish watching series that I started (hi Dexter!), I powered through. You were right. This might be the first Louis CK thing I didn't enjoy. There were occasional highlights (episode 3 comes to mind), but overall this didn't do much for me.

Any awards that have a category in which Nathan for You gets nominated are fine with me.

Did you ever continue to watch it? I know I'm super late to the party, but I feel the same way. After watching that scene I really don't see any point in continuing to subject myself to these people. I don't see how Pete's situation could improve, and Horace and Sylvia made a big leap towards the top of the "least