
Guess the writer is clueless to the fact that Pidge is actually a girl.

Yeah, plenty of people lost their lives in the Iraq war. You may not understand how the political process works since you seem to spend most of your time obsessed with the apocalypse, but Bush didn't get to just decide we were going to invade Iraq. Congress had to approve the war. Which your best pal Hillary did.

This is what people ALWAYS do. They always act like the world is going to fucking end if we don't vote in their candidate and let the other guy win.

The white supremacist nationalist who, up until he started running for President on the Republican ticket, was a Democrat?

Of course it is. Vote for a candidate you believe in. This nonsense about voting for some awful person just because you want to keep the more awful person out is asinine.

Seems like you don't understand how our political system works.

Oh, no doubt. Cohle completely understood the repercussions. He tried somewhat to skirt them, but when push comes to shove he's willing to accept them to get the job done.

Well Cohle never planned on taking down a stash house with Ginger and his Aryan pals. He wanted to get Ginger alone, jump him, and then interrogate him. Ginger isn't playing along with that so Cohle agrees to do the raid.

Out of all that awesomeness, the thing that struck me after it was all over as the best part was Rust taking his pulse right before the shit kicked off.