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    I dunno. "Involuntary manslaughter" may be an accurate way of describing those types of venue conditions from a legal perspective, but like, there are literally thousands of basements and other DIY spaces across the country where people break bones, get burned, and generally experience a wide variety of physical

    As masscult media consumers and Content Drivers, we all need to be much more judicious about which narcissistic rich kids we choose to elevate to indie pseudo-stardom/personality cultdom. Do Better 2017!

    I like a good deal of this band's music, particularly "Sorry, Ma…" and "Stink", but it was the constant whiff of self-conscious (anti?)mythologizing that put me off ever really loving them back in the day, and if I'm vibing this new take correctly little has changed in the past 30 years. For all the handwringing about

    At the risk of embodying the mythical jaded punk purist who always gets slagged off in pieces about "accessible"-leaning punk(?) bands trying to angle themselves for mid-level indie rock media access (example: getting reviewed on the AV Club), White Lung have gotten progressively less interesting since "It's the Evil"

    I consider "Dream Warriors" one of the most frustrating horror sequels ever, in that it's got an incredibly charming cast and is brimming with sharp ideas (almost all taken from Craven's draft) but ends up torpedoing itself with the inane "bastard son of a hundred maniacs" and Judeo-Christianity ex machina shit, both

    Wow! Big thanks to Disney, Lucasfilm, and the A.V. Club for bestowing some exclusive new STAR WARS advertisements on us! What lucky consumers we are! #blessed

    The main difference between King's novel and the Kubrick film is that the novel is, in a weird way, a strangely flattering portrait of an abusive father - novel Jack is fundamentally a good man who does hurtful things while under the influence of external forces (booze, ghosts) and who really does "love" his family -

    I don't want to see a black/gay/female James Bond because the character of James Bond sucks and black/gay/female audiences deserve better. Future anthropologists will look back on the period of time when Western art and audiences were fixated on emotionally stunted men of violence as a sign that there was something

    Unpopular opinion, but I was never a fan of this series and much prefer the 1972 Amicus film adaptation. Both aggressively evoke a specific time and place - the series is indulgent early 90's cable, populated by B- and occasional A-listers desperate to prove how ZANY and OVER THE TOP!!! they could go, and even when

    The larger Mosasaurs like Mososaurus and Tylosaurus would've had the size advantage, but most scholarship suggests that they were rather slow swimmers who relied on surprise and ambushes to catch prey. Orcas are much faster, hunt in pods, have been shown to have problem-solving capabilities, and are astronomically


    Two whole days to pay for the privilege of watching an advertisement for a new Disney/Lucasfilm product! What lucky consumers we are!