
Can we please bring back happy-go-lucky Felicity, with her smiles and horribly-timed innuendos?? We get enough brooding from EVERY other character on Arrow; I'm ready to see her smile and joke again. For the love of God, PLEASE!
At this point, MVP goes out to Captain Lance. I could listen to him talk all day. He acts

I am definitely ready for the return of season 2 light-hearted Felicity. But her level of crying is not near as often/annoying as Laurel's, who cries in almost every one of her scenes. I was thinking about making a drinking game out of it: every time Laurel gets all teary, take a shot.

hahahaha! "First character to show chemistry with Laurel" — this could not be more accurate. All hail EBR!!!

Perhaps that is the "game-changer" that the writers keep alluding to. It certainly would shake things up, perhaps make the story direction a bit more interesting/surprising. Not that I'm unhappy with how it's going now. I just don't mind being thrown every once and a while. Makes for compelling television.

She is running a (seemingly) sucessful club, she hasn't got time to notice trivial things like the basement being completely flooded; she has to check inventory, all day, every day, and nothing else. Because that's pretty much all we've ever seen her do. Oh, and pick a DJ/assassin to spin sick beats that are epicly

Who cares about the League of Assassins, Oliver's identity crisis, Laurel's havoc-wreaking, Felicity's love-lorn heart, or Diggle's being side-lined for no apparent reason…WE GET SLADE BACK!!!! All is well in the world.

I agree. The scene was emotional and gripping. Katie Cassidy does get a lot of crap, admittedly from myself as much as anyone, but in this scene her tears resonated with me. This alone was most surprising because, more often than not, I am totally indifferent toward her emotion. And I think that is mostly because

Now that would be an interesting sub-plot: Thea's LoA baby! Kickin ass and taking names by the ripe 'ol age of four, no doubt. On the upside, no more distracting mid-riff shirts. We get it - you've got a rockin' bod! Now, do we have to see your belly button in every scene?

Was I the only one that "shipped" Simon and Paula on American Idol? =D I'm kidding… kind of.

Fascape is a perfect example of shipping done right. Other sci-fi shows should take their cues from them. They managed to keep the story interesting while resolving the very palpable sexual tension between their two characters. I only wish Stargate SG-1 had followed the same route.

I remember that conversation. It was kind of a slap in the face to those of us wanting closure. Carter basically said, "it's complicated. He's in Washington. I'm here." Something along those lines, and that was it. Swept under the rug. AGAIN. And, of course, she never confirmed who the "he" was. Like you said, they

Stargate SG-1. General O'Neill and Colonel Carter. After 11 seasons of pining for one another (she even broke off her engagement because of her feelings for her superior officer), there was never any resolution for the characters (or the fans for that matter).