
Actually, lawyers tend to heavily suggest to their clients not to take the stand, innocent or not. Sometimes the only time lawyers find it to be a good idea to put a client on the stand is when there's information that the client and only the client can provide. If another witness has that information and can provide

I haven't finished the series but from what I've seen so far (I've seen through the end of the trial and the jury verdict) I just have a very hard time believing Avery did it. There are several things for me (if I had been a member of the jury) that weren't proven, or that from the bits and pieces of the documentary

I felt this season was all over the place with no real tie in to each other. But with that being said, this episode, as well as Sit-in, hit me in the gut. I could relate so much to the pain that was so perfectly acted on Adam and Hannah's face, it was unreal. We've all been there, a break up and possibly ultimately