
I would just like to say that an 'A' should only be rewarded when it's absolutely necessary. For example, the great Person of Interest episode last week where the community grade (128 people, at last count) was also an 'A'. Here, it seems wildly inconsistent with the average grade.

"The time has come for your god and mine to do battle." How exciting it would be to see The Machine and Samaritan go against each other
That ending with Root's voiceover was incredibly awesome. But i didn't get why they had to separate?

If this is true, the show is reaching unfathomable levels of awesomeness.

It was such an awesome episode and I know my mind should be occupied by the adventures and escapades of Root, Shaw, Reese, Finch, Greer, Control, Collier et al but where is Bear? Didn't the writers promise an episode showing Bear's backstory? I miss him.

So, i have a doubt, When Dillinger asked Finch how he recognised Reese, Finch replied that it was a long story. I don't remember them covering this story on the show or maybe i've forgotten.

A- . Easily. A wonderful episode.
B is not a good enough grade.

-Got to save somebody/
-Know the feeling.