David Conrad

She's listed as a cowriter, though, on all of them. So the question is how much of the lyrics she wrote. I'm not sure how that can be found out.

I was going to say that Shake it Off is the exception to the rule, I think it's much less well-crafted than Blank Space.

I'd encourage you to reconsider the personality claim and the "nothing" claim. I'd stack her songwriting skills against any other super-mainstream pop singer/songwriter. It's of course perfectly understandable if that's not your genre, it's not mine either, but she really does have serious writing talent within that

That movie really dropped the ball by not showing his funeral.

The Name of the Rose. I'd read the book, but I'd never seen the movie until a couple of days ago. Annaund nailed it. Fantastic. New second favorite Connery movie.

The webcomic Darths & Droids (darthsanddroids.net/archive). You have to start at the beginning, and it takes a while to get really good, but when it does it's a great thing. It salvages the prequels by changing the plots completely and overlaying new behind-the-scenes characters on top of the old ones in really

I must differ with you, sir. But I understand that many people hold that opinion.

I sure hope not. I've tried to block those movies from my memory. I liked Skyfall, though.

I would have asked you the same thing, not out of a desire to accuse you of something or to be a jerk, but because your question mark seemed to indicate surprise, which is in turn surprising to me because it's not the reaction I'd expect from someone who's seen Skyfall.

Bond's past? This Bond doesn't really have a past.

Goddamnit. I clicked on this thinking, wow, one of the really impressive parts of this concept is that they've found him saying "point." Now you tell me they haven't. I don't even know if I want to click anymore.

Oh man, I hope the whole Bob Newhart piece is written in Newhart-ese.

Love the deep pulls from Vishnevetsky. Ruritania rings a bell for me, but I can't think of what I've seen with it.

Or it might be the day after Christopher Tolkien dies. But that will be a cold, cold day indeed.

"The Silmarillion, the pre-history of Middle Earth Jackson has already used to flesh out his latest trilogy."

When you find something coldly nostalgic, let me know.

I rewatched it a year or two ago, and… I dunno, man. I'm not sure it's holding up so well.

I agree with you that it's ridiculous and would not be attractive on a real creature, but I'm not gonna pretend that it's not cute. It's in our DNA to find it cute, for some reason.

So does that imply that you don't like The Simpsons, or that you don't like imitations?

Yeah, I mean, when it started I didn't much care for it. But the supposedly good-taste-proving hate that a certain segment of the literati has for it made me kinda come around on it. Its pacing and tone are honestly not that different from a non-character-defining Simpsons episode even pre-Season 8. I'm not saying