David Conrad

Thank you for these years, Zack.

I agree that it doesn't amount to advocating the content, it only amounts to enjoying the content, which I think is a red flag. Would you agree that someone who watches real snuff films is perhaps not to be trusted? I think this extends to fake versions, for the same reason that watching, shall we say, illegal

I'm not concerned about the children, children have better taste than to watch (insert modern pejorative of your choice). And we don't know each other, but if Ebert and I are right that it's impossible for good people to like (insert modern pejorative of your choice), it's unlikely that we would get along well enough

I frankly think he should have extended the injunction to fans of any torture porn.

If by interesting you mean actionable.

"If you know someone who likes this movie, stop knowing that person." - Roger Ebert.

Good analogy.

You didn't read the article, did you?

I see where you're coming from there. But just as a central component of the TNG-DS9 Klingon arc was that some Klingons, especially their highest leaders, *don't* live up to the stated ideals, and this was a key factor at play in the final showdown, so too was the slow march toward social progress a recurring theme

This is a great post and a very thorough examination of the pros and cons of the Bechdel test. I think the test is certainly useful as a minimum and minimalistic benchmark of female roles and female screentime, especially when you know the pitfalls enumerated above, including the caveat that even a failing film can

The way he shakes as Odo reads him the rules of baseball.

While pouring himself a kanar.

This reminds me, Python reviews start up again soon, right? Oh happy day!

I'd take Brunt over Shran.

I'm with you on the orientation toward profit and on the Rules of Acquisition. Those should remain core parts of Ferengi culture or else it's a loss, a Borgification through Federation ideals. But the women thing, that's got to fall in line with Federation standards. That inequality is just not tolerable even from

"The twist: Zek thought he was talking to Rom.)"

gil, I would have written that very same thing a year or two ago. The last time I had watched Enterprise Season 4 was when it aired, and I remembered it relatively fondly compared to the rest of the show. But I rewatched it again last year along with the rest of the series and didn't find the quality I was

Great reviews. Great episodes, even the silliness of Extreme Measures. Yay Damar! Yay Martok! Yay Bashir/O'Brien!

I've never shoplifted anything. I've downloaded things, which is stealing, but I would argue substantially less so than shoplifting. I don't know what's wrong with you people.

While movies are certainly different than shows, in this case I still don't know… In a series-ending film, maybe you're right, but in the case of these mid-franchise films, blowing up the ships was still not a real status quo change since they had to have new but for all intents and purposes similar ships in the next