Louise G

I think, because we watch it weekly, we forget how little time has passed in the world of the story. We are talking possibly the same or next day, judging by the fact that Donnie and Alison had yet to do anything at all with Leekie's body at the beginning of this episode. Sarah and Felix probably just haven't had

I agree that the issue of bodily autonomy and consent has been very interestingly handled in OB. I think that the Henrick and his cronies had put Helena through some sort of hormone therapy before harvesting her eggs. The implication was that she was at the compound and heavily sedated for some time, and it's the

Oh believe me, I understand. I used to work in a hospital in a part of England with a large Pakistani community with very high rates of first cousin marriage and I've seen the devastating effects first hand. And it can be a big deal if it happens once, it's just that the chances are reduced compared to it happening

No, I am pretty sure both Helena and Gracie are pregnant. When Gracie told her she didn't understand I think she said it because Helena was so blase about Gracie's pregnancy that it was clear she didn't comprehend that she was pregnant with Helena's baby.

Well yes, but I think the fact that Leekie orchestrated and crucially, got away with, killing (or at least trying to) all those who lead the original experiments, destroying all the original data in the process, as well as being allowed to raise the only self-aware clone, suggest that he was in a unique position of

Yes, but it is the Neolution faction of Dyad that is working on/obsessed with the cloning experiments. As Ethan told Sarah, Dyad isn't really the problem, it's the Neolutions within Dyad. And they seem to have been based primarily in Toronto all this time.

I learned about that in an anthropology module at uni and instantly called bullshit on that theory. For most of human history the vast majority of people grew up in very small, insular communities and marrying people they'd grown up in close proximity to was the norm. Cousin marriage was a frequent occurrence and

I don't think there's anywhere in the world where private healthcare is actually banned. Except presumably North Korea. Even the law cited below only refers to the use of private insurance in publicly run services, not the existence of private facilities.

Really? I got the impression last week that she had known everything all along. But even if she herself hadn't, surely Carlton or others in the network that were 'in the know' would have warned her not to take Sarah to hide in Toronto/GenericUrbanSetting. Plus, Carlton spent most of the intervening years in prison,

Something has been bugging me. I am a huge fan of Mrs S. and really want to believe she is one
of the good guys. But, considering how much we now know she knew all
along, how come she took Sarah away to hide her in the very city out of
which DYAD seems to primarily operate? I know she says she had people
there that