
"Well, I was saying boo-urns."

I agree with the reviewer that this episode felt rushed (Arya moments dying in Braavos one episode and then suddenly at the Twins the next, and Varys in Dorne brokering a major alliance in one scene and then taking off with the wooden horse fleet sailing from Mereen) and unearned (same goes for the season).

"hold the door! hold the door!" I'm sorry but I can't hold the tears….. rip Willias.

Everything's coming up Stark!…….for the time being I guess….I mean, this is Game of Thrones…..you know.

I hope Sembene lives on through Malcolm flashbacks, if Proteus gets a cameo why not Sembene?

Lock the door and throw away the key Putney and make a fortune!

after thinking about the previous Ives/Brona meeting, if Lily wore Brona's body language and spoke her awful terrible accent (never again!), then I'm sure Ives would've instantly remembered her. i guess Vanessa was still giddy from the women's clothes shopping part to notice the instantly creepy and just plain wrong

there was nary a throwaway scene in this episode considering that it followed up the excellent Vanessa Ives origin story with a charming and tightly woven narrative. the story picked up where it left off and moved along at a finger-snap pace while at the same time feeding us more character development and

The nightmare image was the screwdriver looking Cut-Wife tool….and people romanticize about living in the past; ouch!

go to the source, Twin Peaks

I really expected there to be 2 groups of survivors: the recently enlightened (plus the cryo-awakened rest of humanity) and the brainwashed youths somehow clashing arms like a generations long feud at the end while the hoards of abbies roamed their perimeter….I agree that some characters' development and backstories

If WP gets a 2nd season, I'd like to see how Group A went down or even expand more on the lead up to the world ending on 2095; we know the endings already but exploring, in more depth, the tensions and seeing people's reactions to the unblemished truth would be excellent.

The Ferdinand Lyle and Ethan Chandler interactions were priceless and the whole plundering scene seemed to be mostly pointless besides milking for more laughs, lol

Dorian was too busy sulking over Miss Ives's rejection and staring at his portrait

shame on you Shyamalan, shame on you for employing that shaky camera crap and shame on whoever made shaky cam shots a 'thing'; I started to feel sick during that group b revolting faction scene, and it would've been more powerful without the camera shaking for no ******* reason.

And now off to the races to catch up with season 2

still in awe of the entire episode: the classic use of comic relief as a brief release valve of the terror topped off with Hartnett referring to Malcom as 'dad' and Green's impeccable acting (especially with the makeup crew's number on this one, that one image of her face jumping out at you from the shadows to reveal

Best line if this review: "Gray’s purpose in the story so far appears to be to have sex with all the other regular characters…"


whatever was canon or conjured up from the alternate TV show writers….you got me to flip my keyboard up, up and at the screen….the Red Wedding was an abomination but this…….this was just…just….wow…no brain-child that was born of dragon glass and Valyrian steel can ever right this wrong…maybe it was for effect but now