
See, it seemed to me, that Boyle's interactions with Rosa are presented negatively, in that we the viewer see them as awkward and also he gets made fun of by his co-workers for them. Meanwhile, yes Rosa does get busted by the Captain for her behavior to the young cop, and she does figure out why its wrong, but that's

I certainly would never presume to control anyone else's feelings. In fact that's the exact problem. I get worried about their reactions would be and imagine the worse case scenario, that they might be angry or upset with me and that leads to paralyzation. I don't want to control their feelings, but I'm overly

Well it's difficult for me to even express my feelings on this topic anonymously on a message board, you can imagine how it works in real life with real people. But thanks for your nice words Tony.

First off, while Boyle may be "nice" he's hardly the "Nice Guy" in the sense of the classic trope. He's boisterous, overt, not shy at all, and in fact quite flamboyant with his opinions and feelings. He's not a "Nice Guy" he's a "Weird Guy".