
The app thing can take some getting used to for sure because being in your 30s, you didn't grow up with a phone attached to you constantly. But I've found it isn't so bad if I connect with someone and offer my phone number and then work up to calls/video chats/meetups. I find it to be less pressure getting to know

Yes, I'm sure Tina Fey was offering serious, thoughtful political solutions and not performing, you know, a comedy routine. On a comedy show. Which is what she does.

It will come again! I'm 38, and the love of my life devastated me by ending it about 4 months ago. I didn't even think I'd survive it. And I figured I'd never find anyone like that again. I started using a dating app this summer, and have connected with someone so amazing that now all I see are the reasons I should

Well I know it could be worse, so I didn't want to seem completely ungrateful, but 2017 definitely sucks.

It really sucks being an American on some levels right now.

I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe a 4-5 year old, but 9? No way.

He's now Kermit the Forg! Or maybe Kermit the Gorf!

Lol. Hope you weren't referring to me there. I'm the farthest thing from being a trump defender there is.

Lol why use a reference that you have to explain in a follow-up comment?

You're right, it's so biased for them to quote trump directly and report on his actions.

It is a liiiiiittle weird that it's being perceived as a sexual assault, and he does sound like he's bragging about how awesome it was though. If people even vaguely thought I might be a rapist, I probably wouldn't be doing an interview about how it was so "wild" and how we "went for it." Yikes.

It's definitely nice to be flirted with. Don't feel bad! You know how it is when everyone's drinking. Weird things happen, but you shrug it off the next day. I'm sure she was fine with it.

She probably wasn't that interested in getting to know you in the first place but just wanted a drunk hookup. You scared her by being an actual person, lol. It happens.


Mine too. Every hair on my head stood up.

Nothing. That was the problem.

My favorite part was how Maggie looks like her baby is probably the size of a grape, but there was a fully developed fetus filling her uterus on the sonogram screen.

I lived in NY but had the satin Bulls starter jacket!

I do remember watching it on HBO as a kid in the early 80s though.

Considered by many to be the "gayest horror movie of all time." There are sooo many gay references in that one.