
Me too. Is there really any point in trying this merge thing, because so far it’s riddles to me. I mean like what is the advantage?

Can't explain that!

Can't explain that!

You know what I blame this on the breakdown of?

Rhubarb rhubarb, peas and carrots…

Not with any attitude!


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Yeah I'm trying it now and it's nice(r). The lack of "collapse/expand thread" was almost my biggest kinja gripe. Soooo much scrolling…

Don't worry he'll be acquitted in the end.

you're awful and lets get married.

Cool cool cool I'll look into it…. aaaand yeah maybe? It's 150$ here (yaaay canada) plus the cost of an SD card. The analogue scroll wheel is getting me a bit wet though. I'll have to look more into it.

Yeah I have the newest Sansa Clip. It's kind of garbage (imo) but… it works in a pinch I guess. I guess I'll have to break down and fork over 180$ for the latest Nano while I can. Even though it's touch screen and I kinda hate touch screen.

Yep I got the new sansa clip recently. I kind of hate it. The software sucks. When you press pause/play there's a solid 3-5 second delay for it to actually register. There's no lock button (you can lock it but it's multiple steps). Oh and the actual clip is weak as hell and it's constantly falling off.

Pretty sure I sawr one fuck a shoe once.

for me? size. and battery.

but… what happens when that one dies? WHAT THEN

I loved my 5th gen nano. Finally died recently. I have no idea what to replace it with.

Glad The Jim Jeffries Show got extended, I've been enjoying it. Though it still needs to really find it's footing.

To be fair it's there's been a lot of bad news today.