Tom Riddle

Have you taken a look at the manifesto? It's the dumb ramblings of dude whose good at STEM, so he thinks he's good at sociology. There a paragraphs without sources, opinion pieces presented as fact, and sad "critically examine[d]" matrix of left/right biases that he sources from the reddit server in his ass.

Yeah, the idea that the FF have mostly sucked is . . a strange one. Along with the ones you mentioned, Mark Millar even produced a pretty good run. The characters let him go for big ideas while also trimming out his worst tendencies.

After The Force Awakens came out, some dummy was arguing that "Mary Sues" are the most pernicious force affecting modern young girls.

I watched it as an adult for the first time ever and I thought it was pretty good, i guess? I'd rather just watch Back to the Future again.

Thematically, hiring a white actress takes the movie into some really weird places that the film makers absolutely do not have a handle on.

Always use Dano for maximum DDRRAAAAAAAIIIINAAAAGE