
The ol' swab-and-knob.

Common and Kanye West "The Food", live on the Dave Chappelle Show

Yeah, it bugs me too when people leave out words.

True. I, for one, was a VERY sexy 12 year-old in 1993.

Ha! What a ridiculous strawman you created there. Fucking internet people.

Well regardless of which brand of smarmy YOU might be, in my experience I am essentially a walking apology for the US when I'm down there.

"A General Mood That Wasn't Terrible!", raves David Edelstein

Where There's Over 40 Reasons To Never Go Hungry! ™

Right, I shoulda said "their/they". Still, a more established screenwriter with a different voice from theirs would go a long way, someone like John Ridley or Eric Roth perhaps.

I think his direction is pretty fantastic, his problem is that he insists on doing all his own writing. Pair him up with a good writer or two and great things may follow.

Hey congrats, writer - You totally put that "Ghostbusters III faithful" strawman in his place!

Didn't you see AVP? Not a fan of documentaries?

I suspect this was a sticking point in talks with the studio execs, and that it's precisely why he leaked those awesome concept images that got everyone so excited.

I'm not convinced he's going to acknowledge the existence of the latter sequels in his movie. I think he's just saying he isn't trying to be an asshole, it's not his fault Alien3 and Resurrection exist.

You have one fine photo/handle there! Damn fine!


Hey, what gives?

I am predicting YOU'RE WRONG

It turns out the secret code was the same nursery rhyme he told his daughter!

Well sure, I guess nothing is difficult if you have "the right people", right? That's actually a strangely optimistic perspective, given the aggressively juvenile and contrarian way you packaged it.