Matt Hill

Fair enough, but at least I've always had good service, and enough food for what you pay at TGIF.

My Family once waited over an hour for our food at an applebee's. None of the food required a long time to prepare, except maybe one large burger. When we finally got our food, half was under cooked, and some of it was burnt. We were the largest group in the restaurant, but there was only about ten other people there.

I'm trying to resurrect the wresting comment section on the avocado. If that interest anyone feel free to come over.

Nothing in particular, and I didn't mean to sound rude. It just seems like the answers to the town hall questions didn't really give complete answers. I will be sticking around to see how this turns out though.

Maybe after we all get old, and fat we can make a reunion movie?

They didn't seem to answer many questions.

I can bring a quiche.

I'm going to miss the organized madness of the comment section turn into the chaos that is Kinja's thread system.

Maybe one day we'll all reunite at the A.V. Club After Dark.

These reviews helped encourage me to get back into wrestling. I'm really going to miss these.

I'm stealing this from twitter, but it would be great if Nakamura got himself a dq by kicking Corbin in the balls.

Alistair and Kyle host a wresting podcast called The Story of Wrestling together.

I thought it was a silly angle, but it's possible they can make it work. Honestly though they should have used an indie wrestler instead of anyone who is currently on any of the rosters.

Why are they already sowing the seeds for A Titus Worldwide breakup? Let them actually have some success before you break them up.

I would have like to have seen him kick out once, but I'll give the WWE credit for making a finisher feel like it should finish the match.

If real life heat gets more great matches, then I'll take it. Side note, everybody on Raw Talk was cutting great promos.

That arm trick though

I would also be dating Natalie Dormer.

That ad haunts my dreams…

Even if it was stunt casting, Nolan doesn't seem like a guy who would put somebody with no skill in his movie.