
So you're saying that Ragnar traveled to Wessex, talked his kid into helping him kill the people he paid to go with him, and basically turned himself in because he wanted to die. I mean, that's the way I see it, which is ridiculous. I guess I never considered the writing to go that way. I've been trying to come up

Hmm I dunno.. I know everything you said is correct, but I'm not sure that's what Ragnar expected or wanted. You think Ragnar WANTED to be taken prisoner and eventually killed? I mean, as soon as he and Ivar got to the gates, they were both detained immediately. Maybe Ecbert thought they were there for revenge, for

I just can't remember why Ecbert would give up Ragnar to Aelle? Or why would Ragnar know that he would? I can't remember what happened. If anything, wouldn't it be Ragnar who should be pissed that they slaughtered the Viking settlers?