
I just watched a new Carl Reiner special on HBO about aging. It has all his buddies in it over 90, including the "2000 Year-Old Man." It was really good. ;)

You forgot GUNS.

HA, right?!

She would've been so great as a smart, sexy 60s gal who pairs up with you, Kenneth Cosgrove! ;-)

Laura Benanti is awesome! And she just had a baby a few months ago…lookin' damn good. ;-)

The real Melania Trump wants you to sign Drumpf's birthday card today…I'm sure it'll work out very well for her!

Tommy Maitland for sure will play Mike Myers.


Yessir. The Right COULD NOT believe that he could portray their gun hero and not be a Con. When he went to the DNC to see Obama, they went bonkers & called him a traitor. And then they figured out he speaks fluent French…and then of course he was a French Traitor!!! J'accuse! ;)

These imbeciles were OUTRAGED to learn that Bradley Cooper went to the DNC after portraying the "American Sniper." They have never heard of an actor acting.

She's a former corporate defense attorney who got into TV because of her looks.

Nope, Drumpf appointed someone last week…

HA! Donald as a baby name is at an all time low. LOLOLOLOL

We elected an internet troll POTUS…everything is fair game now.

And sitcoms like Roseanne, & Will & Grace, too…

Don't be sad! ;-) My pup sends you a big pupper hug!