
But then he lost his Congressional race to a Democrat, so YAY!

I didn't, but you have become impossible to reason with about this over the last few days.

No, I clearly said I don't know the demographics of who buys rap music.

Just my opinion, but to me, it's a crass word that no one should use.

I don't have the demographics in front of me of who buys rap music, but IMO, anyone who buys music that glorifies that word is tolerating it…be they black, white, purple and/or green.

Ice Cube is on this Fri…

Katie Holmes
Katy Perry
Katie Couric

This incident happened last Friday & there's a new one on this Friday…HBO didn't pull anything.

I think perhaps he was trying to be just a little edgy when he called Obama the exact same word at the WHCD…

It's on at 7pm, though…

Dead? Missing? Kidnapped?

They'd get off more watching Trump bang their wives…they are the real cucks!

God must have lost a massive bet last year…the Cubs AND Trump?! Come on!!!

I have been *almost* perfect in not hearing Drumpf's voice since the election…me & the mute button have gotten very friendly! ;-)

He also threw rocks at a neighborhood BABY, and punched his music teacher in the face…

I just read how Drumpf eulogized his father at the funeral by only talking about himself, and insinuating that the greatest accomplishment of his father's life was fathering him.

Now it's $9 million. ;)

The telethon raised $3 million, so something good came out of it…

Katt Williams?