
I like your dad…I bet he has many more nuggets of wisdom! ;-)

But then I'd get super undepressed remembering I get to sleep with that hot Gorp Guy! ;-)

Or 18 years…

Dogs in sunglasses are cool.

You certainly are a multitasker!

We ALL had much more than a word with your mother last night, Son.

Drinking age in Detroit when I was 19 = 21
Drinking age in Windsor at the same time = 19

Gone, gone, gone, she been gone so long…

I see from that photo of Drumpf that he's talking about the size of his covfefe again…

Are you, me?!

Clean coal is to the environment as Trump is to honesty.

Where are you guys getting your jokes from, crypt writers?

It really depends on scheduling…if it's up against NCIS: Covfefe, no chance.

Start here in Arizona…in the last 24 hours, I've seen a bumper sticker that said, "Hillary for Prison 2016," a photo in a store window of Drumpf depicted as Jesus, and a moron in a "Proud Deplorable" t-shirt who threw his still-lit cigarette out into the desert.

PLEASE let Drumpf get stuck in the tub & have to be rescued! Please?

I met a stunning man once at a charity benefit…so attractive, friendly, funny, with the bluest, most swoonworthy eyes ever.

I think I'm going to go with the 14th Vice President, John Breckenridge…because he looks like Matthew Perry, and I like men who stick their hands in their coats for photos.

If you want to feel close to Dick Cavett, just pony up $62 million, and you can buy his house…