Big dog

In fairness to Dutch, Pussy said yes plenty (desperately looks around the room for a l laugh)

I do wonder why Aceveda always felt so compelled to take Vic down even after he had left the barn for greener pastures. The exposure of the Strike teams numerous misdeeds had to reflect poorly on him. A lot of it occurred under his watch and he was never one to risk a bad headline. Was it just that he could never let

I always felt like Vic ' s fatal flaw was that he just loved the dynamic of cracking skulls with his team. It's why he so eagerly accepted Shane back when he was such an overwhelming liability, it's why he didn't give a shit when Army bailed even though it put them in a tough spot. Just look at Vic's face in that

This line always bothered me. There's no way Shane just went around eating girls out and not expecting them to reciprocate. I have a hard time believing he even went down at girls at all, he seems like a selfish lover. But no guy I know would go through the effort of picking up some skank just to go down on her and