
If a girl is so drunk that she needs help standing up—as was shown to be the case with Bay—she's too drunk to give consent. Period. Bay was in no position to consent. Still, Tank's level of intoxication remains unclear, which is why we still don't know whether or not he was able to give consent.

Again, the implication that the only victims of date rape are those who wake up and can't remember what happened the night before is dangerous. Maybe the reason Tank remembers a great night is because that's how alcohol affects his perception of time. We just don't know. Bay's side matters, absolutely, but this isn't

I do believe that Bay was raped in the sense that she could not consent to sex if she was drunk to the point of being unable to stand up on her own. I also believe that it is ultimately up to Bay to label what happened to her. But how drunk was Tank exactly? Just because he remembered what happened doesn't mean his