Yeah, Barsanti seems to have almost taken it personally. Does that mean he was prom king comedian in a past life?
Yeah, Barsanti seems to have almost taken it personally. Does that mean he was prom king comedian in a past life?
The AV Club turned into a moebius strip of cynicism so quickly I didn't even notice!
I don't know, I'm getting pretty sick of the bit where he says something is just like what the bosses son/his aunt/that guy at work would do and then yells facetiously a stock photo of someone looking smug. The growing list of "disgusting" food he's rejected is also riding the cusp between "running gag" and "bizarre…
Effort =/= quality. They didn't say that he didn't work hard (well, McCown didn't, anyway), they said his work wasn't very good. Unless you're actually going to go on record as saying you think TekWar is good, I really don't see your point.
Did she write that, or was it just some marketer? Let's hope it was the latter.
I stopped watching after they killed Billy. He was the best character, damn it!
Dialog to watch for:
"It's called survival of the fittest," — Psychopath in dark suit.
"Soon we will harness the very forces of nature!" — Hubris-blinded scientist.
"I am the next step in human evolution!" — Villain with glowing eyes.
"Who are you to play God?" — Philospher Hero.
"Play God? I am God!" — Villain who's…
This sort of thought-out, quality writing can only bode well for the show.
I always thought she was pretty badly miscast. She's good-looking and all (apparently she's a model), but she's basically incapable of gravitas and seemed to spend the whole time either making a frowny concerned face or just having no affect at all. She wasn't any fun to watch (at least for her acting), and was…
Part of the reason people hire well-known stars for their movies is so they can promote it. Someone's just trying to get their money's worth.
Yeah, the whole light side/dark side thing (or past/future in a couple of them) is something Zelda (and many other games) has used repeatedly. It's a great excuse to reuse game art. You just darken the color palette and put some different enemies in (or just palette-swap them too) and bam, whole new level. There are…
Finish that video and it just might show up here. You'll probably have to get it posted on some other blog first though.
I like Kirin a lot. It's super smooth with a nice finish, so don't hate. Asahi has a nice almost-spicy flavor. Sapporo is OK, but kind of boring. Haven't tried the others though.
Just like that great Mario Puzo film, The Godfather.
Me too. I never knew until this newswire just now saying they were going to stop… maybe that's why?
Yeah, you're right, I have to remember that she's still basically a kid. Still the scope and duration of the lie (phony social media account, chatting under a constructed persona, elaborate stories) is several levels beyond what a normal teenager (even a somewhat messed up one) is going to do. There's something…
Yeah, but fedoras don't have the same meaning in latin culture, or the real world for that matter.
No she wouldn't have. Pathological liars are pretty much assured to alienate those around them sooner or later. All Rolling Stone/WaPo did was speed things along.
It's actually not possible that she was telling the truth. Basic aspects of her story, like her description of the frat's layout and the time the attack supposedly took place don't fit with the established facts. Not to mention the dozens of negative witnesses, that is, people who should be able to corroborate…
No, the big problem was they didn't try talking to anyone but the alleged victim. She told them the frat and (eventually) the names of some of her "attackers." She also had friends who she'd told the story to that later said the whole thing seemed suspicious. WaPo essentially proved the story couldn't have happened…